Biometrics specialist Fingerprints and Gentex are working to bring iris-scanning technology to the automotive industry. This kind of driver authentication could be used in vehicles to improve security, for cabin personalisation, and to authorise in-vehicle payments, home automation control, and other cloud-based services.
For manufacturers that use key fobs, or carsharing providers that leverage phone apps to identify the driver, iris recognition could be used as a second layer of security, with a false acceptance rate as low as one in 10 million.
The system would identify the driver with an iris scan, and, if authorised, start the car and personalise setup by automatically adjusting mirrors, steering wheel, seat position, music, GPS locations and more. ActiveIRIS could also provide an additional layer of security for vehicle-to-home automation services and V2I transactions.
While the first systems are likely to be located inside a Gentex automatic-dimming rear-view mirror or related windscreen mount, future systems could be developed in various locations in the vehicle. The agreement also allows for system integration outside the vehicle.