Autonomous vehicle by-wire control systems supplier Dataspeed has signed UK e-mobility business Hypermotive to be…
Search Results: software (1215)
Technology company Continental is further strengthening its lidar sensor portfolio through a minority investment in…
Correlation between simulation and real-world performance is a constant concern for test engineers, particularly in…
The first live trials of Project Endeavour’s autonomous vehicle fleet have begun on roads in…
StradVision, an AI-based camera perception software supplier, has announced a collaboration with South Korean social…
Zenzic, a government and industry body formed to accelerate development of autonomous driving in the…
The full-stack company is breaking down barriers to make a capitally intensive technology affordable and…
Swedish technology company Semcon has announced it will be conducting a feasibility study to investigate…
UK-based microprocessor specialist Arm has unveiled a number new computing solutions aimed at the autonomous…
Martin Frederiksen, managing director at Recab UK, a UK supplier of embedded automotive computer systems,…