Continental and Nvidia are working on AI self-driving vehicle systems based on the Nvidia Drive…
Search Results: software (1229)
National Instruments (NI) and Shanghai University are developing a testbed for 5G ultra-reliable low-latency communications…
Following similar moves in Potsdam, Germany, and Belmont, in Silicon Valley, California, Volkswagen Group has…
In a recent report, Markets&Markets projected the automotive V2X market to grow at a CAGR…
A self-driving vehicle created specifically for goods deliveries has been unveiled by Nuro. The new…
The next version of Visteon’s SmartCore cockpit controllers will incorporate Qualcomm Technologies’ Snapdragon 820A Automotive…
NXP Semiconductors has unveiled an “open and flexible” software-enabled platform that OEMs and suppliers can…
Videantis has launched a new visual processing architecture v-MP6000UDX that it says boosts…
BlackBerry has launched a cloud-based static binary code scanning solution, Jarvis, designed to speed up…
Nvidia says its new AI autonomous driving platform offers the redundancy needed to enable the…