AB Dynamics (ABDP), a supplier of automotive test systems, has acquired simulation software specialist rFpro,…
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Students at Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG), an academic department at the University of Warwick, have…
A UK-based consortium of automotive research and consultancy firms has released a new assurance framework…
Smart Mobility Living Lab (SMLL), a UK government-backed initiative aimed at readying London for the…
Volvo Trucks is collaborating with Danish logistics company DFDS to test its fully electric autonomous…
Computing technology developer Nvidia has built the world’s 22nd fastest supercomputer – DGX SuperPOD –…
A new survey from US construction and engineering firm HNTB Corporation found that more than…
David Paja, senior vice president and president, advanced safety and user experience at Aptiv, illustrates…
Michael Talbot, head of strategy at UK-based AV specialists Zenzic (formerly Meridian), discusses some of…
At the 40th International Vienna Motor Symposium, which took place last week, Volkswagen showcased its…