The second morning of the dedicated conference taking place alongside ADAS & Autonomous Vehicle Technology Expo Europe included a fascinating update on the ADScene initiative, from Dr Emmanuel Arnoux, Automated Driving Safety & Validation Working Group co-leader for the Platform of French Automotive industry (PFA).
As part of the ‘ADAS and AD homologation and validation stakes and solutions to achieve the safety challenge’ session, Dr Arnoux discussed a range of French publicly funded research projects concerned with ADAS and AD safety, safety demonstration, numerical modeling and simulation tools, as well as scenario-based automated system design, validation and homologation.
“These projects allow the French automated mobility ecosystem to build the French legal framework for automated vehicle homologation and for authorization before commercial services of automated road transportation systems,” said Dr Arnoux. “Among these tools, the scenarios library plays a key role.”
He went on to explain how, based on research assets developed over the last six years, some OEMs have compiled a structured scenarios library, which includes cut-ins in traffic jams, which is now available in an open export format to enable the exhaustive simulation required to achieve road certification.