A new survey from US construction and engineering firm HNTB Corporation found that more than half of Americans (52%) believe they are familiar with or knowledgeable about autonomous vehicles. Of these, 58% believe that autonomous vehicles will be commonplace on streets and highways within 10 years. In addition, 57% are willing to ride in them, and slightly more than half (51%) believe they are safer than people-driven vehicles.
The HNTB America THINKS national public opinion survey also asked Americans what they would do while riding in an autonomous vehicle instead of driving. Two-thirds of respondents (66%) believe they will most likely spend their time looking out the windows of their vehicles, while 42% would spend their time texting or talking. This was followed by watching movies or playing games (29%), sleeping (25%) and working (17%).
Jim Barbaresso, HNTB’s intelligent transportation systems national practice leader and senior vice president, said, “As we become more knowledgeable about, and comfortable with, autonomous vehicles, people will begin to recognize and value the economic and social benefits offered by these technologies.
“For example, people who are disabled or elderly and unable to drive themselves will experience the freedom and convenience of mobility. Autonomous vehicles will help improve safety for pedestrians, bicyclists and other vehicles. And they offer the promise of more effective management of roadway congestion.”
To read more about HNTB’s survey, click here.