Imagry has announced the latest release of its flagship technology, a vision-based software stack for autonomous driving (AD), the Imagry AI Driver. This new version delivers enhanced efficiency, scalability and adaptability of the company’s AI-based solution for passenger vehicles and autonomous buses alike.
The new version of the AI Driver further leverages Nvidia GPU capabilities, achieving benefits such as lower computing power requirement; reduced latency and enhanced real-time responsiveness for safer autonomous motion planning; and a distributed architecture that supports flexible deployment across multiple processing units, enabling seamless integration into a variety of vehicle models and trims.
These refinements create a modular and easy-to-integrate software package tailored to meet customer needs. The optimized design enables quick and seamless migration of the Imagry solution to different hardware platforms, ensuring compatibility with evolving technologies at varying cost ranges.
“At Imagry, we’re driven by the challenge to make autonomous driving solutions both affordable and scalable,” said Dr Ilan Shaviv, chief technology officer at Imagry. “This upgrade not only improves performance but also broadens the applications of our technology to software-defined vehicles as well as public transportation systems.”